Our Hospital's Pediatric Cardiology Department has become the hope of the children living in our region by renewing itself day by day and using successful techniques by our Pediatric Cardiology Doctors. Our Hospital Chief Physician Assoc. Dr. Sebahattin Celik said, "Children are more likely to have heart diseases due to consanguineous marriages in the region.
Chief Physician Assoc. Dr. Sebahattin Çelik, According to 2018 TUIK data, 27 thousand 195 live babies were born in Van. More than half of this number were born in our hospital. Heart disease is found in 50 babies born in our hospital annually.
In the Cardiology-Cardiovascular Surgery (CVC) Department, which is actively serving in our hospital, 26 children have regained their health after surgery in the last 5 months. Pediatric cardiology, pediatric cardiovascular surgery, neonatal intensive care unit, pediatric intensive care unit, cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit and successful surgeries performed with an anesthesia team that are experts in their field make the local people happy most, while congenital heart diseases are seen in 2 or 3 of every thousand live births. told. Celik said, "Due to consanguineous marriages in the region, heart diseases are more common in children. As a hospital, our surgical service for congenital heart diseases continues in pediatric and newborn groups. Our hospital provides services to approximately 3 million citizens, together with the surrounding provinces. "Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diseases known as 'hole hole' are performed very successfully in our hospital. We are the only hospital that performs these surgeries in Van and surrounding cities. Two of our successful surgeons perform pediatric cardiovascular surgeries here."
Assoc. Dr. Çelik continued his words by pointing out that approximately 50 children have heart disease in a year across Van. In the last 5 months, 26 children were operated on for this case in our hospital. 7 of them were in the neonatal age group. In fact, one of these babies weighed 800 grams a kilo. Anesthesia management, operations and post-operative follow-up of such babies are areas that require work. Since these facilities are available in our hospital, the surgeries were performed successfully," he said. Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon Op. Dr. Şafak Alpat, on the other hand, said that the follow-up of children, especially before and after the surgery, is of great importance. Kiss. Dr. Alpat noted that with the current health service, the referral of patients to metropolitan cities is prevented.